• Unique opportunity for unique minds

  • Bringing New Vision Of Top Up Awarding Scheme

  • Experience Converted in to Knowledge and Acknowledge to a Degree

  • Talented Working Executives Become Qualified Professionals

Research or RPL | Recognition for Prier Experience and Learning

Research Method

Unique method to complete appropriate program without compulsory classroom attendance and submitting only final dissertation

ACPD Method 

Accreditation for Carrier Progress Development  [Applicants who have work experience]


Affirmation for prior experience and Learning   [Applicants who have qualifications and work experience]


01-year learning plan


Complete the learning plan according to the full program duration


Evening, Weekends and holiday learning plans

How does it work? 

  1. Submit the candidates’ complete CV and all educational qualifications, work experience documents, Passport Copy and 03 Passport size photographs. [Compulsory]
  2. Facing 01st Screening Viva.
  3. Signing the students’ agreement.
  4. Sending all documents and the recommendation of the SIBM to the University Academics.
  5. Getting approval for Viva sections.
  6. Conducting 03 viva sections with Academic Juries of the University.
  7. Assigning Final Dissertation and allocating a Supervisor.
  8. Submitting Final Dissertation [Softcopies] and Completion of full payments.
  9. Rechecking the Final Dissertation for corrections and the final submission of the hardcopy.
  10. Requesting Original University certificate and transcripts.

Fee Chart

Please contact us for payment terms.