The Standard Institute for Business Management [Pvt] Ltd established November 2006 and incorporated in 2013 affiliated & accepted by well acknowledged UK and USA Recognized Universities and Affiliation bodies. These Recognized Universities and affiliation Bodies give a special privilege to SIBM to offer Professional Diplomas, Skill Certifications, Certified and Eminent Memberships and Top up Learning Programs under accelerated scheme to gain a very renowned and acknowledged Degree Qualifications to Working Individuals.
Another special advantage of SIBM is, the candidates can work hand in hand with any other Higher Learning Educational and Training Organizations by assisting them to evaluate their programs and awards into Recognized awards by offering opportunity without further learning to offer the full Credit Transfer by way of Credit Accumulated Transfer Scheme (CATS).
SIBM has become one of the unique institution, who could contribute valuable support to every matured working individuals with or without an professional qualification, Who can obtain academic and professional qualification on a accelerate manner taking into life working experience converting into Accumulated Credits towards their Degree Awards.
The Standard Institute for Business Management (SIBM) have seen the major need in today’s economic world for many busy working executives, who wish to enhance their career image by obtaining credit worthy To UP Degree Awards, without interrupting their busy schedule .
Every busy working adult of today is seeking for a second chance, as most of today’s youngsters are coming with a degree qualification to employment market. But most of matured working Executives hold very valuable work experience, but not a paper endorsement of their knowledge. By taking up a challenge to elevate the matured working individuals, SIBM has joined hands with recognized Universities and Affiliation bodies. Which offer to follow a rigid program known as Accreditation for Prior Experience & Learning (APEL). This is to attend further Seminars, Workshops and Oral Examinations and submitting Reflective Work Experience Accomplishment Assignment (RWEAA). The APEL scheme is specially designed for those who are returning to higher education after a career break or those who want to improve their career prospects can come under this special scheme of APEL.
Executives and professionals with substantial work experience often acquire core knowledge in their professional areas without formal academic training. These candidates will profit by enrolling with Our Recognized Universities and Affiliation bodies. Accelerated Learning Program to gain the very valuable Work Oriented Executive & Post Graduate Diplomas which is the pathway for the Academic Degree Qualification. This option will bypass the traditional core class rooms’ courses to concentrate on new developments and trends in each subject area. There are no textbooks to read, curriculum to follow or formal exams, but submission of Reflective Work Experience Accomplishment Assignment (RWEAA) and attending number Oral Examination to confirm the eligibility for the award.
Standard Institute for Business Management (Pvt) Ltd
NO: 128, 2nd Floor, High-Level Road
Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.
Register Number PV 95007
Hotline: 0094 113 370 397
777 444 966 / 773 931 931
NO: 128, 2nd Floor, High-Level Road
Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.
Register Number PV 95007
Hotline: 0094 113 370 397
777 444 966 / 773 931 931
# Battaramulla / Kandy
# Bandarawela / Galle
# Matara / Jaffna
# Batticaloa / Trincomalee
# Bandarawela / Galle
# Matara / Jaffna
# Batticaloa / Trincomalee
Opening Hours
Mo-Fr: 8:00-22:00
Sa: 8:00-24:00
So: 8:00-14:00
Sa: 8:00-24:00
So: 8:00-14:00